We provide Asset ownership details, Asset location information, Asset registration information, Asset value, Encumbrance Certificate in case of immovable property to find the sales / purchase history, Asset tax and assessment information, types of properties, residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, land, time-share, mobile etc. Moreover, our team advises you based on your requirements to provide precise services you require.
Asset Verification is required at both individual (personal cases) and company levels for various reasons including litigation, recovery of debt etc. Our team with their vast experience and training finding out all the movable and immovable assets of an individual or a company. This helps our clients which are various banks and various big and small companies to recover their dues.
In personal cases also asset verification has helped individuals for their divorce settlement, maintenance settlement, due diligence & credit worthiness Mumbai and various other court proceedings. Even in case of pre marital investigation people opt for the service of asset verification to know the financial status of the individual and his/her family.Our company do this in the given time limit and get the proofs also (if possible). This includes finding out property records, bank accounts, company records, vehicle ownership, information of all private and public limited companies and details about their business partners, business location and other sources of income as well.
Vehicle Ownership :- This May include the name, address of the owner of a four-wheeler or a two-wheeler along with and manufacturing year of the vehicle.
We will even get you all the authentic documents or let you know about the whereabouts so that you have something to leverage and win the lawsuit.